“冯火”是一份月刊杂志的名字,诞生于2013年3月,冯伟敬是杂志主编,朱建林是运营总监,BUBU担任社长,欧飞鸿是劳务派遣,史镇豪是形象大使。它以“大众读物”的姿态,收集/激发艺术家的创作,尝试一种低成本且持续流动于各地的连结行动。冯火月刊每月 21 号出版,每本售价人民币 1 元。月 刊每期附有三页广告,每个广告页面售价人民币 50 元,以此收入维系月刊的持续运营。冯火的一贯风格是:劲、好商量、识事、好相处、 飞、匀巡、心水清、均真、爱地球、勤力、有口齿、好人。


 “Fong Fo” is the name of a monthly magazine that was launched in March 2013. Fong Waiking is the editor-in-chief, Zhu Jianlin is the CEO, BUBU is the publisher, Ou Feihong is labor coordinator, and Ce Zhenhao is the brand ambassador. Taking the form of a general audience reading material, the magazine seeks to collect and inspire artists’ creation, trying to make connections with different places within a low-budget operation. Fong Fo Monthly is published on the 21st of each month. It costs one yuan per issue. There are three pages for advertisements each charges fifty yuan. Fong Fo is known for/as: kickass, democratic, savvy, easy-going, free, fair-minded, sensible, well- behaved, earth-loving, hard-working, reliable, and decent.